CS Fundamentals E


CS Fundamentals E is the 5th in a series of 6 courses.

The course begins with an introduction to the Sprite Lab programming tool. Students will learn to make fun, interactive projects that reinforce what they’ll learn about online safety. Following these lessons, students will engage in more complex coding. Students will learn about nested loops, functions, and conditionals. By the end of the course, students will combine these concepts to solve challenging puzzles. The course ends with an open-ended project where students create a game or drawing.

Topics & Activities

– Digital Citizenship (3 lessons)

– Sprites (3 lessons)

– Nested Loops (3 lessons)

– Functions (3 lessons)

– Conditionals (3 lessons)

– Impacts of Computing (1 lessons)

– End of Course Project (1 lesson)


Lesson 1: Be A Super Digital Citizen

Online tools empower kids, but come with responsibilities. This lesson teaches students how to act when they encounter cyberbullying, showing them appropriate ways to take action and resolve conflicts.

Lesson 2: Private and Personal Information

Students learn the difference between personal and private information, understanding the risks of sharing online and building strong, positive, and safe online relationships.

Lesson 3: Swimming Fish with Sprite Lab

Students program a simple animated underwater scene, enhancing their skills in animation.

Lesson 4: Hello World

Students learn to create and animate sprites, making them interactive using events.

Lesson 5: Mini-Project - About Me

An interactive poster mini-project where students apply their understanding of sharing personal and private information on the web.

Lesson 6: Drawing with Loops

This lesson shifts the focus from Sprite Lab to the Artist, introducing a new tool for exploration

Lesson 7: Fancy Shapes using Nested Loops

Students create intricate designs using the Artist tool, ending with an opportunity for personal design creation.

Lesson 8: Mini-Project - Design a Snowflake

A mini-project where students create snowflake images using characters from the Frozen movies.

Lesson 9: Songwriting

An introduction to the concept of combining chunks of code into functions

Lesson 10: Functions in Minecraft

Students understand the utility of functions through interactive Minecraft lessons.

Lesson 11: Functions with Artist

A skill-building lesson where students use functions with the Artist tool.

Lesson 12: Conditionals in Minecraft

Voyage Aquatic: Students practice content learned so far and get introduced to conditionals.

Lesson 13: Conditionals with the Farmer

This lesson introduces a new type of programming puzzle featuring a farmer preparing her fields.

Lesson 14: Functions with Harvester

Students use conditionals with functions to harvest crops in Harvester.

Lesson 15: Designing for Accessibility

An exploratory lesson on accessibility, emphasizing the value of empathy in designing accessible app solutions.

Lesson 16: Digital Sharing

Students learn about the challenges and benefits of respecting ownership and copyright in digital environments.

Lesson 17: End of Course Project

A project lesson guiding students through the process of designing, developing, and showcasing new projects.
